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EV Chargers Groundworks

The electric vehicle revolution is here, and Westley Building Services (WBS) is at the forefront, providing comprehensive groundworks solutions for EV charging stations across Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire, Derbyshire, and the entire UK. 

 As a leading commercial building services provider, we understand the importance of future-proofing your property. Our team of skilled technicians and groundwork specialists are equipped to handle all aspects of EV charger groundwork, ensuring a smooth and efficient installation process for your charging infrastructure. To find out more, get in touch with us at 07776687713 or by filling in our online contact form.

ev charger northampton

Why Choose EV Chargers for Your Commercial Property?

With the growing popularity of electric vehicles, installing EV charging stations at your commercial property offers several advantages:

  • Attract and retain customers

EV drivers are increasingly looking for businesses with charging facilities. Offering EV charging can attract new customers and encourage existing customers to spend more time at your location.

  • Enhance your brand image

Demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility by providing EV charging options.

  • Future-proof your property

As EV adoption continues to rise, having EV charging infrastructure in place will ensure your property remains competitive in the years to come.

  • Potential for additional revenue

Consider offering paid charging services to generate additional income.

Our EV Charger Groundwork Services

WBS provides a complete package for EV charger groundwork, ensuring your charging stations are properly integrated into your existing infrastructure:

Site Assessment and Planning

Our team will thoroughly evaluate your chosen location for the EV charging station, considering factors like soil conditions, existing utilities, and accessibility for vehicles. We will then work with you to develop a detailed groundwork plan that meets all technical requirements and local regulations.

Trenching and Duct Installation

Our experienced crews will carefully excavate trenches to accommodate the electrical cables that will connect the charging station to your power source. We will then install conduits to protect these cables from damage and ensure a safe and reliable connection.

Foundation Preparation

Depending on the type of EV charger being installed, we may need to prepare a concrete pad or other foundation to ensure the charging unit is properly anchored and stable.

Backfilling and Reinstatement

After completing the trenching and cable installation, we will carefully backfill the excavated areas and restore the site to its original condition.

Coordination with Electrical Contractor

 We will work seamlessly with your chosen electrical contractor to ensure a smooth installation process for the charging units themselves.

Find out more about EV Charger Groundworks

By installing EV charging stations at your commercial property, you're not just making a smart business decision; you're also contributing to a more sustainable future. WBS is proud to be a part of this transition, providing the groundwork solutions needed to support the growing demand for electric vehicles. Contact Westley Building Services today for a free consultation to discuss your EV charger groundwork needs. You can reach us at 07776687713 or by filling in our online contact form and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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